Just Copy and Paste, edit strategy.
Let’s go to clickbank.
Make an account. Then go to the marketplace.

Then go to https://cbengine.com/

Then click CB New Products.

Then click the Gravity on there.

And google it with the product name+review.

Check the reddit post. We can use that post.
copy whole article and go to ChatGPT.
Paste the article. Add that in front of the full article.
“can you rewrite this article so its unique:”
and check the new article.
Join the reddit and upload.
the most important thing: Creat a post.

go to ChatGPT and copy. Paste it.
Copy the title and paste. edit some word.

get affiliate link on CBengine.
Tracking ID would be reddit.
create hoplink and copy affiliate link.
That’s all.